Our Process
We Strive to create the Perfect Design and Installation
Crystallize your vision as determined by your response to our specific and targeted interview questions. We may discover, for instance, that what you really want is to create a sanctuary for specific kinds of birds, utilizing flowers with splashes of color and fragrances that you may want to experience.
Finalize design, approve installation plans, and assemble a consistent crew of hand-selected, skilled landscapers for the duration of your project. Unlike many competitors, it is against our practice to employ job hopping—we work continuously on your project from start to completion.
Evaluate the completed project. A supervisor walks every step of your grounds with you and all interested members of your family, observing, reviewing, and explaining all the nuances and details of the project. You will then receive your custom maintenance guide to help you maintain each and every plant, bush, and tree involved in the creation of your project, as well as recommendations for the care and maintenance of all hardscape structures.